Enzyme Deficiency Syndrome - The Root of Many Health Conditions

Eating home grown or locally grown produce is sadly becoming a thing of the past for all too many people. Nowadays, most of us get our food at one of any number of grocery store chains. The food we consume is often shipped to us from several states away or perhaps imported from an overseas country. It is often harvested prior to maturity if not purchased fresh, then it is likely frozen or canned. The modernization of the food industry has defined America as people dependent on large biotech agribusinesses which control much of the global seed market using genetically modified crops.

Equally concerning are the use of industrial animal factories which engage in practices of animal confinement, use of growth hormones, and antibiotics that are designed to shorten the maturation time of an animal from birth to slaughter. These practices lower the costs of farming in favor of increased profits but present many inherent dangers to our health. Our daily diets routinely consist of foods that are genetically modified, nutrient deficient, vitamin enhanced, mass produced, artificial, chemical and hormone laden, highly processed, and rushed to market in an attempt to limit spoilage and extend shelf-life.

While shelf-life is necessary in our modern society, enzymes must be replaced just as vitamins and minerals are. For example, when milk is pasteurized it depletes the vitamin A and D content as well as enzymes. The vitamins are added back in, but the enzymes are not. Enzymes are the construction workers of the body. Protein, fats, carbs, vitamins, and minerals are simply the building blocks. This failure to replace enzymes causes the body to borrow enzymes from our immune system to digest our food — often resulting in a weakened immune system and making us more susceptible to illness and disease.

Enzyme nutrition is the art and science of using nutrition to maintain homeostasis and overall health of the body.  It works with the body’s innate intelligence to bring the body to optimal health using whole foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, rather than trying to manipulate it by using chemical compounds (medications) that produce unwanted side effects. 

Symptoms associated with Enzyme Deficiency Syndrome are common, yet can be easily identified and successfully treated.  A short list of the symptoms associated with this common disorder follows.

indicating need for dietary modification

  • Stiff, sore joints

  • Headache

  • Heartburn - Indigestion

  • Gas pain - bloating

  • Constipation - diarrhea

  • Anxiety - Irritability

  • Depression

  • Restlessness - Insomnia

Indicting Protein Deficiency

  • Excess secretions from mouth, nose, eyes

  • Swelling - hands and feet

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Muscle cramps at night

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Bleeding gums

  • Trouble tolerating exercise

Indicating Lipid Deficiency

  • Dry skin

  • Tremors

  • Trouble controlling blood pressure

  • Inability to conceive or induce labor

  • Miscarriage

Indicating Carbohydrate Deficiency

  • Dryness of mouth, nose, eyes

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Muscle cramps during exercise

  • Muscle weakness

  • Easily startled

  • Loss of energy and fatigue